
2021臺灣盃國際滑水賽宣傳計畫 Taiwan Wake Open

2021 臺灣盃國際滑水賽由中華民國滑水總會主辦。歷屆賽事工作團隊由大臺北地區的教練、選手、裁判組成,已連續辦理2015、2016、2017、2018、2019、2020及2021臺灣盃國際滑水賽,成效卓著。


2017 年起,經過電視、網路直播持續推廣,更讓國外選手對臺灣人文環境及賽事規劃好評不斷。



Taiwan Wake Open is comprised of Taipei national players, judges, coaches in the past seven years. Chinese Taipei Waterski and Wakeboard Federation (CTWWF) holds the 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 events, which has achieved great success and winning praises among Taiwan.

Since 2017, the promotion of wakeboarding and wakesurfing on TV and Webcast worldwide has made international riders impressed on Taiwan’s sports culture, water sports development and sports event planning. The CTWWF invite winners of the TAIWAN WAKE OPEN for the shooting plan to share their own training stories, and also to create a positive and warm image of Taiwan’s wakesurfing and wakeboarding.

The film will be played on a variety of social media to let the world knowing better about Taiwan.

#滑水 #臺灣盃 #夯運動
